Training sponsorships
By sponsoring an apprenticeship, you enable a child to start their professional life after school. At present, we are looking after 15 trainees at various institutes in the Kisoro district, but also in the larger cities of Uganda. The costs for vocational training vary between 250 Euro (simple crafts) and 1000 Euro (nursing) per year, depending on the institute. Often several sponsors share the annual fee, therefore it is possible to take over a training sponsorship from an annual fee of 100 Euro. Because of the inheritance law in force, many families in Uganda today do not have enough land available for a sufficient supply. For this reason, it is essential for boys and girls to learn a trade in addition to working in the fields, which they continue to do as a sideline. This gives them the opportunity to support their family later on with their own resources and to enable their children to attend school. Only in this way, in our opinion, can the spiral of poverty be permanently interrupted. We are happy that we have already been able to release many of our sponsored children into an independent life. These children are now no longer dependent on financial support, but are able to feed their families and earn the school fees for their children from their own resources. Some of them now even support younger siblings or sick parents or old grandparents who are no longer able to take care of themselves sufficiently.
Vocational training in Uganda today mostly takes place in vocational training centres, where both theoretical and practical subjects are taught. In these vocational training centres, commercial or social professions (secretary, accountant, computer specialists, kindergarten teachers, hotel specialists, etc.) can be learned in addition to various trades (carpenter, bricklayer, electrician, plumber, tailor, hairdresser, etc.). The nursing school of the St. Francis Hospital in Mutolere, where nurses and midwives are trained as well as midwives, is also very popular. Independent of the amount, each sponsorship contribution is assigned to a permanent trainee. Upon request, you will receive information about your sponsored child and the status of his or her education as a mentor.